Page 25 - Real Style March 2018
P. 25

RS: Aside from sunscreen, what products should women over 25 be using every day? JW: 1. Skin cleanser to remove all makeup daily
SPF 30 sunscreen).
2. Antioxidants.
3. Retinol/Retin-A.
4. Hydrators and hyaluronic acid.
at end of the day.
2. Antioxidants in morning for prevention. 3. Sunscreen throughout the day for
RS: What latest procedures and advancements in dermatology are you most excited about? JW: Radiofrequency heat has taken the
aesthetic marketplace by storm. We are using radiofrequency to tighten skin, resurface scars and marks, reduce fat for body contouring and more. Additionally, radiofrequency can be used on all skin types and complexions, which is a signi cant stride forward. Earlier generation lasers carried risks of burning or discoloration in darker skin types.
prevention and maintenance.
4. Moisturizer and other hydrators right
before bed.
5. Eye cream/gel to prevent accelerated
aging of periorbital skin (sun, squinting, rubbing, etc).
RS: There are many  rming body creams. Are these types of creams effective?
JW: Some active ingredients in skin care products like hyaluronic acid can make the skin more  rm or taut often by drawing water to the surface of the skin. Additionally, Retin-A/retinol can stimulate collagen production. These products can soften  ne lines and make skin appear smoother.
We continue to  nd new lasers and chemical peels that can reduce or eliminate sun damage, pigmentation, melasma, redness, wrinkles and textural abnormalities. At New York Dermatology Group we achieve beautiful healthy skin for all
Creams generally cannot produce elastin (the stretch  bers) in the skin or reverse skin laxity and stretch marks. Many cream effects can be temporary and reproduced daily when applied to the skin surface, and achieve some sustainable improvements with consistent use.
RS: With so many anti-aging products on the market, what truly effective ingredients should people look for?
JW: 1. Physical sunscreen - zinc
oxide or titanium dioxide (eg.
5. Peptides.
of our patients and natural cosmetic results by combining various aesthetic procedures to reverse the signs of aging.

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