Tips For A Safe And Easy Outdoor Workout In The Summer Heat
With the heat increasing during the summer months, many fitness fanatics are inclined to work out in an air-conditioned gym. After all, the rising humidity and sweltering temperatures can easily lead to extra sweat, along with the blood and tears which accompany a gruelling exercise regimen! However, it’s important to remember that Canadian summers are both short and sweet, and the balmy weather offers a chance to enjoy the great outdoors. As you swap your spin class for an adrenaline-fuelled run this season, remember to stay hydrated and safe from the sun’s powerful rays. During workouts, core temperature naturally rises, yet this tends to happen much quicker in the heat. Summer means sweat, and all that perspiration can potentially lead to dehydration. With the help of these 6 useful tips, it should be easy to rock your summertime workout.
1) Keep hydrated and drink cold fluids: The most important thing to do when working out is staying hydrated, especially in warm temperatures. With the increase of fluids in the body before exercising, the body can work out longer. In warmer weather it is essential to drink a cold beverage to cool the body down. According to Huffington Post, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids two hours prior to a workout, as well as five to ten ounces of fluid every 15 minutes during exercise.
2) Stock up on electrolytes: It is very helpful to replenish the body with electrolytes that are lost through sweating during warm weather workouts. Electrolytes help the body absorb and retain water. Many sport drinks have an increased amount of electrolytes to drink during workouts, which can help to revitalize your system.
3) Loading up on carbs: Electrolytes are not the only thing the body needs to stock up on. Carbohydrates are vital during intense workouts in the heat. Carbohydrate loading (also known as carbo-loading) is helpful in the event of a high endurance workout. Carbs will ultimately provide more energy, which can power through in the stretching during your exercises.
4) Focus on acclimatizing to the heat: Acclimatizing to the heat is especially important when preparing for summer workouts. The gradual increase of intensity as well as the duration of outdoor workouts can better adjust and adapt to the warmer conditions.
5) Exercise in the morning: Working out earlier on in the day helps as temperatures are generally lower however, our body temperatures are also lower in the morning.
6) Listen to your body for warning signs: It is extremely important to pay attention to the way your body is reacting to the workout in the heat. Stop immediately if you are feeling any signs of nausea, dizziness, or at all faint.
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