
Paprika Is The New Beauty Secret For Glowing Skin


If the cooler temperatures and harsh winds are giving you tired, dull skin, this new beauty secret that may already be in your pantry may be your quick fix to this wintertime woe. For beauty addicts aiming for flawless, radiant skin, try incorporating paprika into your skincare routine.

Aside from being our go-to garnish and seasoning to add flavour to our home-cooked meals, paprika is known to be a vasodilator which causes blood vessels to expand and boosts blood circulation, giving your skin a natural flush. This spice is also said to be rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C, according to dermatologist Arisa Ortiz in an interview with Allure. “They help absorb free radicals that break down collagen in the skin, so antioxidants help your skin look supple and plump,” says Ortiz.

If you’re battling acne, paprika can help reduce the appearance of blemished skin with its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. “I love paprika for the skin because—when combined with a fruit acid peel—it really helps flush out impurities from the tissue and increase circulation, so you are left with detoxed skin and a rosy glow,” says celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas to Allure, whose clients include Julianne Moore and Dakota Johnson. Paprika also contains anti-aging benefits with its carotenoid beta-carotene ingredient, which when converted to Vitamin A, helps prevent age spots and fade away blemishes and pigmentation by lowering the production of melanin for a brighter and clearer complexion.

For beauty lovers looking to add paprika into their beauty essentials, try a simple DIY face mask to give your dry winter skin a boost. Mix half a teaspoon of paprika with a dollop of honey and milk in a bowl and apply to skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Not only will your skin feel smooth but you’ll also have a healthy glow.

Photo: iStock