Dietitians Pick The Top 10 Superfoods For 2019
At this time of year dieting, healthy living and a healthy lifestyle are top of mind for many. In the 7th annual Pollock Communications and Today’s Dietitian” What’s Trending in Nutrition” survey more than 1,342 registered dietitian nutritionists (RDN’s) responded with their picks of top superfoods.
Favourites like fermented foods and avocado maintained their places at the top of the list with new picks like beets and non-dairy milks also finding themselves on the list.
In a statement, RDN Jenna Bell shared her thoughts. “Plant-based eating has been a major focus in the dietetic community. Now, consumers are hearing this message and it’s what they want.” This is apparent in the growth of seeds, nuts and non-dairy alternatives. The supermarket milk case has gone from cow to soy, rice, almond, coconut, walnut and oats! Consumers are fulfilling their health and protein needs with a diverse number of dairy and non-dairy products.
Top 10 Superfoods for 2019
- Fermented foods (like yogurt, tempeh, Kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut)
- Avocado
- Seeds
- Ancient Grains
- Exotic fruit, like acai, golden berries
- Blueberries
- Beets
- Nuts
- Coconut products
- Non-dairy milks