Photo: shmeggsandbaconn on Instagram
For those of you who are secretly addicted to peanut butter and jelly, it seems like there may be a tempting new hairstyle on the horizon. The infamous sandwich that ruled the 1990s is now stealing the show as a new trend in hair colour, and has already started making an appearance on social media. Although PBJ locks may seem like a strange concept, the infusion of light brunette and plum strands is actually surprisingly pretty.
Popularized by hairstylist Megan Schipani, peanut butter and jelly-toned tresses feature soft waves in soft brown and violet hues. The striking combination of colours and the beautiful effect of eye-catching purple highlights seems to do the trick, and is a winning alternative to typical pastel locks. If you’ve been meaning to try colourful streaks but you’re afraid of all-over colour, then a PBJ hairdo just might be your beauty solution.
With the trend of dessert inspired locks quickly stealing the spotlight, we are hardly surprised to see peanut butter and jelly on Instagram. If you’re hoping to embrace the colours of the sandwich (without ingesting the carbs and sugar), then this just may be the way to do it right.