Photo: Startraks
Although defined winged liner and pouty lips may signify statement beauty for many makeup addicts, the aptly titled look of naked face is now making a splash among celebrities. Straying from the look of dolled up red carpet beauty, the stars are now sporting glowing complexions and au naturel eyes.
Recently, songstress Alicia Keys stepped out in London with a fresh-faced visage and a beaming smile. While the 35-year-old bombshell looks equally as beautiful with full makeup, she has been lately been embracing the no makeup look. We are liking her girl next door visage, which offers her a youthful effect.
Photo: ladygaga on Instagram
Meanwhile, edgy diva Lady Gaga appears to have temporarily parted ways with her red lips and heavily lined eyes. The 30-year-old singer shared an Instagram snapshot that showcased her clear skin, defined brows and flirtatious long lashes. With her girlish good looks perfectly on display, it’s obvious that Gaga doesn’t need to hide behind a face of maquillage.
Photo: adele on Instagram
Also joining the ranks of her fellow bare-faced songbirds, Adele recently graced Instagram with a scrubbed clean visage. The 28-year-old Send My Love singer looks gorgeous with her porcelain skin, full lips and wide eyes free of any makeup.
If the increasingly popular naked face is anything to go by, it may be time to drop the products and embrace natural beauty this summer.