Evening Primrose oil

Although olive oil has long been used to moisturize both hair and skin, a new ingredient may be joining the lineup of rising beauty oils.

Evening primrose oil, which is derived from the seed of the evening primrose flowering plant, is believed by some to offer relief from skin disorders. In fact, WebMD reports that this oil may be used to treat conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. However, the U.S. Center for Complementary and Integrative Health reports that there is not enough evidence to support these claims.

The oil is naturally enriched with essential fatty acids, which are said to offer anti-inflammatory benefits and to nourish irritated skin.  Although it can be used topically as a skincare ingredient, evening primrose oil can also be found in foods and as a health supplement in capsules.

While there is conflicting evidence about the health benefits of this oil, it may offer beauty benefits by helping to treat hair loss. The oil is boosted with Gamma-linolenic acid (also known as GLA), a type of essential omega-6 fatty acid that may target this issue. The GLA in evening primrose oil is believed to prevent hair loss, nourish the scalp, encourage growth and ensure strengthened strands.

As well, the nourishing properties of evening primrose oil may also extend to your manicure. The fatty acids are said to encourage stronger nails, and possibly prevent cracks and nail breakage.

Evening primrose oil may not be a magic ingredient which can make serious skincare woes vanish, but it can still play a role in your at-home beauty routine. If you’re looking to boost your tresses or your manicure, it may be worthwhile to include this natural essential oil in your regimen.

Photo: iStock